Monday, October 6, 2008

{inner beauty}

And now for something a little different...

{arches & glass}

This is in the rotunda of the Administration Building on the campus of Texas A&M University.
I'm looking forward to doing some bridal portraits in this rotunda soon. The bride's mother worked in this building many years ago, and the bride, as a child, would play on this beautiful granite floor...
The columns on the front of the Administration Building have been used in many, many bridal portraits - including some I've done. So I look forward trying out the inside!


Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say I really like your sytle...I thought I was the only one that loved Vignetting ona photo...Keep up the great shooting...

Nuvia said...

I really like this setting.. I take pictures too are you allowed to just walk in and take them here.

Wendy said...

If you are taking professional photos of a bride / wedding, etc - you will need to contact the building proctor to schedule a date/time. If you are just taking some snapshots of the building, you can take pictures at any time the building is open during the week - just be aware that those stairs are the only ones for employees to walk up and down (if they aren't using the elevator).