Thursday, August 16, 2007

Calm Before The Storm

A big storm, Tropical Storm Erin, was making landfall and heading
near town, so rain was expected. But I wasn't expecting the sunrise
this morning on my way to work.

What a beautiful way to start a rainy day...

Calm Before the Storm

1 comment:

a.harper said...

Not sure if you will ever see this comment but I just wanted to point out the fact that God's hand never fails to amaze me. The beauty he creates of life, can never be fully described with words and you can never appreciate that beauty from what you read. What you see is a different story. Wendy, you've captured a glimpse of one of our Lord's many creations of beauty. Thank you for this priceless gift. I understand that you may be just a pawn in his master plan and fulfilling your passionate desire for photography but i really feel you are more than that. I feel you are among many of the unknowingly who are God's messengers to his people. Thank you for the work you do and thank you for being a beacon of aspiration for others.
~ Alan