Monday, August 13, 2007

Candid Camera

Was I seeing things?
Was this a joke?
I did a double take.
This can't be for real....

So I read it closer. And there it was. "The Camera Phone Book: How to Shoot Like a PRO"?? There's one thing to make a camera phone book for the novices of new phone technology who would like better direction... But to say the word PRO in the title just baffled me.

pro·fes·sion·al (prə-fĕsh'ə-nəl) n.
1. A person following a profession, especially a learned profession.
One who earns a living in a given or implied occupation.
A skilled practitioner; an expert.

The definition of professional means to be an expert - okay, fine - but to also EARN a living in a given occupation. Who in their right mind would make a living on photos off a camera phone? (Well, more like who in their right mind would PAY someone that well off of their camera phone photos? - can I have their names & numbers please??)

Has our society become so camera obsessed that everyone considers themselves a pro? Yes, I've seen some amazing stuff from point-and-shoots and even camera phones. It's not the camera that makes it good or bad, it's the subject, composition, etc. But the fact that the word PRO is used. I have gotten paid for my photography before (not from my camera phone!), and I do NOT consider myself a pro by any means.

I feel like this book is very misleading, at least the title anyway. The Publisher - NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC (who is KNOWN for their amazing photography) has endorsed a book that literally makes the claim that you can shoot professional photos with your camera phone. What will society think now? Can you imagine - the sidelines of an NFL football game - surrounded with the AP photographers holding up their camera phones??

And still it makes me wonder.... were the photos in this book taken with a camera phone?


C.J. Herrick said...

This goes to show you that people will publish anything. If it will make money, they will put it out.

Anonymous said...

Considering how the most expensive cell phones only host 2mp photo capability... I'd certainly question any quality photo which someone bosts came from a cell phone.

**scratching head** Pro? I'm confused